Endangered species, act!
     (For Peter, who cares.)

     Can you imagine, like salmon,
     humanity agonizing to become
     in front of an insurmountable confrontation
     of genetic toxicity.

     can you imagine, like salmon,
     rivers of flowing generations
     on paths wrought in memory
     from the mystery of creation
     returned over and over
     in birth death of rhythms
      to only discover the ultimate demise.

     Can you imagine, like salmon,
     obstacles, built to serve power
     monuments and monoliths
     altering cycles of existence
     as a sacrifice to be offered
     to the human potential
     which will never return.

     Can you imagine, like salmon,
     weakness dissipating will
     while the scope of your vision
     eternally fails.

     Or can you imagine, like salmon,
     a human foetus
     born in agelessness of life cycles
     anguishing to become
     an inheritance of existence
     while the theater of potential
     exchanged all that was fertile
     for chemicals of destruction
     and the discovery of waste
     and all that was sacred
     in an eyeball's sweet liquid
     evaporated from a permanence
     no life could afford.

     Can you imagine, like salmon,
     the silence.

     Lloyd Marbet